Loving the Land and Shore

Back to Nature

Because the residents of the Heart of PEI depend on the health of their land and shores to make a living, protecting the environment is first and foremost in their minds. The Kensington North Watersheds Association, for example, is dedicated to preserving and protecting the area watersheds in a healthy, natural state. The Island Nature Trust has preserved several properties in the area including the Gillespie, Long River and Sinclair and Joyce MacKay Natural Areas plus Courtin Island in Malpeque Bay.

Birdwatchers will be thrilled to learn that many of PEI’s 368 species can be seen right in the Heart of PEI – with its extensive shoreline and many woodlots there should be plenty of bird species checked off the list! In fact, a visit to Bird Island Natural Area in Malpeque Bay might just be a super spot to start where you could find black-and-white warbler, yellow warbler, hermit thrush, hairy woodpecker, Cape May warbler, chestnutsided warbler, red-eyed vireo, alder flycatcher, blackburnian warbler, great blue heron, lesser yellowlegs, green-winged teal, white-throated sparrow and ovenbird – to name a few, haha!

As of October 2021, a feasibility study is underway to consider the creation of a national park reserve in Pituamkek (Hog Island Sandhills) located off Malpeque Bay and extending westward. In the Mi’kmaq language Pituamkek (Bee-doo-um-gek) means ‘At the Long Sand Dune’ and the area is rich in ancient Mi’kmaq history. Stay tuned for news on the progress on this important environmental and cultural preservation project.

Looking for fresh local organic ingredients for your cottage or campsite? Check this list of organic farms found in the Heart of PEI: Schurman Family Farm, Alexander Fresh Vegetables, Barnyard Organics, Crystal Green Farms, and Springwillow Farms. And keep your eye out for the many “honour system” farm stands at the end of laneways where you can pick up PEI’s delicious “new potatoes” and other produce.

Our community is working together to promote tourism and economic growth in Kensington and the Heart of PEI region.

Contact Info

Address: Kensington & Area

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